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Revising my French

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I started revising my French recently (probably 100th time). It is a known universal fact that I have been trying to master my French for the past few years but I never really push myself to do it properly.

So I started making small short videos to revise my french. Here is the playlist in case you want to watch those videos and may be learn along with me :)


1 How to introduce yourself?

Je m'appelle Ravi. Je suis consultant Atlassian. J'habite près de Londres avec ma femme et ma fille. J'aime faire des vidéos pour YouTube et j'aime la bière.

2 Les nombres en Français.

  1. Un
  2. Deux
  3. Trois
  4. Quatre
  5. Cinq
  6. Six
  7. Sept
  8. Huit
  9. Neuf
  10. Dix

3 Salutations en Français. Greetings in French.

  • Salut - Hi, hello. Use it when meeting people. Informal way.
  • Bonjour - It means Good day but used to greet people. Formal way. Good morning. Not used after in the evening or night.
  • Bonsoir - Good evening.
  • Au revoir: Good bye.
  • À bientôt: See you soon.
  • Ça Va: Hi

4 Verbes Français. French verbs

  • Aider - To help
  • Aimer - To like
  • Aller - To go
  • Appeler - To call
  • Apprendre - To learn
  • Arriver - To arrive
  • Avoir - To have
  • Chanter - To sing
  • Commencer - To start
  • Comprendre - To understand
  • Demander - To ask
  • Descendre - To go down
  • Dire - To say
  • Donne - To give
  • Écouter - To listen
  • Écrire - To write
  • Entrer - To enter
  • Finir - To finish
  • Habiter - To live
  • Manger - To eat
  • Marcher - To walk
  • Monter - To go up
  • Parler - To talk
  • Porter - To carry
  • Refuser - To refuse
  • Regarder - To watch
  • Répondre - To answer
  • Sortir - To go out
  • Travailler - To work
  • Voir - To see
  • Vivre - To live

5 Verb Conjugation

Ending with er like Aimer

  • Je - J'aime (I like)
  • Tu - Tu aimes (You like - informal)
  • Il - Il aime (He likes)
  • Elle - Elle aime (She likes)
  • On - On aime (We like - informal)
  • Nous - Nous aimons (We like)
  • Vous - Vous aimez (You like - formal/plural)
  • Ils - Ils aiment (They like - masculine)
  • Elles - Elles aiment (They like - feminine)