Mastering Git
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Git is one of the most important and key skill that we have to acquire especially for software development. I am an Atlassian Consultant which is my main job. I help companies and teams get the most out Atlassian tools like Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket and help them deliver fast and efficiently. I often work with development teams and they use Git as their version control system.
2 Git config
Get configured user's email and name.
git config --get git config --get
3 Branching
Create a branch and switch to it.
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Create a branch without switching and switch to it later.
git branch <branch-name> git checkout <branch-name>
Go back to your branch.
git branch main
Check your branches.
git branch
Fetch all branches.
git fetch --all
To checkout a remote branch that exists on remote and not locally.
git fetch origin git checkout --track origin/<BRANCHNAME>
git fetch origin <branchName> git checkout <branchName>
Create branch from another branch.
git checkout -b SOTF-1_small-changes-before-go-live
4 Delete commit from Bitbucket
Let us say you have committed some sensitive information to a repository and if you want to delete it then yes it is possible.
First find the commit numbers and pick a one which is may be one of your first commit.
git reset --hard 2342342 git push -f
The force commit at the end will bring your repository back to that commit and it will also delete the commits.
5 DONE Setup multiple keys on Bitbucket
Steps here: Also check what I configured on local.
First generate the ssh key pair.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -C "{}" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_username
Paste this key in your Bitbucket Workspace. Use this command.
cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -sel clip
This is needed because you can't have same keys for multiple workspaces. So you need to create a key for each workspace.
Then modify the ~/.ssh/config
Host User git HostName PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentitiesOnly yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Host User git HostName PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentitiesOnly yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_username Host User git HostName PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentitiesOnly yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_username2
Finally modify the existing git repositories remote.
git remote set-url origin{workspace}/{repo}.git
For a new repo do a clone.
git clone{workspace}/{repo}.git
So basically the ~/.ssh/config
file and the git repository remote url will ensure that the right ssh-key is used.
6 Sharing/Syncing ssh keys across machines
I am trying this approach to simple sync the content of ~/.ssh/ across computers.
Then set the correct permissions. Source:
sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh sudo chown -R ravisagar:ravisagar ~/.ssh sudo chmod 600 ~/ssh/config sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa sudo chmod 544 ~/.ssh/
I did all this and it works beautifully.
7 Remove file from git but not locally
git rm -r --cached path/to/file
8 Errors
8.1 Can't git push to Bitbucket: Unauthorized - fatal: Could not read from remote repository
Remove the SSH key from the repo. (Click on repo name > Settings > Access Keys) Add SSH key to Account settings SSH keys. (Click on your avatar > Personal Settings > SSH Keys)
Change .git/config
to use ssh instead of https.
Replace this url.
url =
with this url
url =